Voting with a Disability
Voting with a Disability Every voter should be able to cast a ballot, but the accessibility of poll sites and election systems sometimes make voting much harder than it should be especially for people
Mental Health and Disability
Disability and Mental Health Just like your disability, mental illness is not a choice. You aren't to blame for it but you are responsible for your care. Mental illnesses are biologically based brain disorders. Left
iPad Apps for Learners with Complex Additional Support Needs
We receive regular queries about useful iPad apps for complex learning difficulties. This poster is our response. The 'Wheel of Apps' is not comprehensive, but it attempts to identify relevant, useful apps and categorise them
Dyslexia and Related Reading Differences 101
Dyslexia and Related Reading Differences 101 School work at every level – from learning how to attend at circle time to Calculus - brings the challenge of new expectations, novel information and the
Autism 101
AUTISM LINKS FOR NEWBIES AND ESTABLISHED FAMILIES ALIKE Overview on prevalence: Data & Statistics on Autism Spectrum Disorder | CDC Autism Statistics and Facts | Autism Speaks Autism Data Visualization Tool