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LMNOP (Language, Music, N’ Our Peeps)  in person recommended Ages 0-36 mo

LMNOP is an interactive and engaging program designed to guide parents and young children through learning basic sign language and other forms of communication using music and language-based activities. Recommended for ages newborn to 36 months.  

This program will take place in-person at the Playhouse, Space is limited to 3 persons in a RSVP (1 Caregiver and 2 participants or 2 Caregivers & 1 participant) for in-person attendance. No drop-ins are allowed.

Please RSVP below to let us know you will be joining us, if all of the spots are taken, please use our Wait List RSVP, we will let you know if we have a cancellation and you can attend.  If you are unable to attend after you have RSVP’d, please email [email protected] to let us know you are unable to attend which will open the spot for a friend on the waiting list.

Join Us in person every other Saturday from 11:30am-12:30pm!

COVID Guidelines

  • RSVP through our website is required for attendance
  • Wear a mask
  • Physical/Social distancing required
  • 4 people per RSVP
  • We will require a health screening questionnaire and temperature check at check-in

*** Limited Space Available please RSVP Below.


November 27
12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
Event Category: