Latest Past Events

ABCs of Augmentative Communication

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Learn the elements of an AAC evaluation. Understand ways to judge the effectiveness of an AAC device implementation. Examples and resources will be shared. Everyone is welcome to attend this FREE training-including statewide, regional, and agency teams supporting individuals with complex communication needs. Register for a webinar: Please note that the ABC's of AAC is […]


To Tell or Not To Tell: Autism Disclosure in the Workplace

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This training is for caregivers and adults with ASD and will cover the issues surrounding the decision to disclose an autism diagnosis at work. We will review the laws and regulations covering disability and employment, ideas for requesting accommodations at work, methods for how and when to disclose, and help understanding why you may or […]


In Conversation – Dr. Andrew Gottlieb: Ritual Objects & Identity

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Join Education Manager Luna Goldberg, and JMOF-FIU Board Member Dr. Andrew Gottlieb, for a conversation around ritual objects, and their importance in preserving cultural identity and collective memory. Dr. Gottlieb will share with us his research and objects from his personal Judaica collection with roots in Eastern Europe, the Middle East, Cuba, and the United […]
