Latest Past Events

Surviving & Thriving with UM-NSU CARD

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Aug 10th 1:00 pm - 1:00 pm Parents, caretakers, teachers, and therapy providers - drop in for a weekly chat with your UM-NSU CARD Team! Join us ONLINE as we explore learning, communicating, and engaging at home with our children with ASD. Each chat will be based on a strategy or concept that can support you at home.

Parents of Adults with ASD Online Support Group

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Parents of Adults with ASD Online Support Group This group is for parents and caregivers of adults with autism spectrum disorder & related disabilities to provide an avenue for sharing & supporting one another. Mondays, August 10th and 31st; September 14th; October 5th and 19th; November 2nd and 16th 7:00pm - 8:00pm To register or