Latest Past Events

Banking 101 Financial Literacy Group with Chase Bank and UM CARD

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In collaboration with Chase Bank, UM-NSU CARD is hosting financial literacy group for adolescents and adults with ASD.  The group sessions willbeheldvirtuallyonZoom. The group will provide an introduction to banking and financial goals. This group is for registered UM-NSU CARD adolescent and adult constituents. Participants should commit to attending all of the virtual sessions. September

Myths and Truths Surrounding the Disability Community

DWAM Flyers 2022 V3   University of Miami is celebrating Disabilities in the Workplace Awareness Month with seminars asking the most important questions. Please open the above referenced flyer for details

Social Factors and Health with the American Association for Health and Disability

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AAHD PRESENTS: ALL OF US RESEARCH PROGRAM INFORMATIONAL Thursday, February 24, 2022 3:00 PM  5:00 PM Center for Independent Living of South Florida (map) Zoom Link: Presented by: the American Association on Health and Disability Learn how social factors play a role in your health and more!