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Q&A ON ABA – PART 2 Challenging Behaviors and their Functions with UM CARD

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Learn how to understand and replace problem behavior with more appropriate alternatives. Q&A on ABA is an opportunity for participants to watch and review the training online prior to the drop-in session. On the date of the session, participants will be able to present their questions and/or concerns. Our team will be able to provide further

Family Support Group for Challenging Behaviors

Center for Autism and Related Disorders 3901 Greenspring Avenue, Creamer Building, 3rd Floor, Baltimore.

A forum for caregivers and family members of individuals with autism spectrum disorder who are affected by challenging behaviors.  UM-NSU CARD registration is required for participation. If you would like to attend the group and you are not currently registered, please call 954-262-7111 to request an intake appointment. Dates: February 8th (In Person) March 8th (Via Zoom) April