spinal cord injury
Latest Past Events
Tour The Christine E. Lynn Rehabilitation Center for The Miami Project to Cure Paralysis at UHealth/Jackson Memorial
Christine Lynn Rehabilitatio Cen 1611 NW 12th Ave, MiamiTour the Rehabilitation Center at The Miami Project to Cure Paralysis and learn about cutting edge therapeutic methods for a world leader. Please open the flyer below. DWAM Flyers 2022 V3
Sabrina’s Adaptive Beach Day, New temporary location
73rd street and Ocea Terrace Miami BeachSCF launched its “Adaptive Beach Days” program to provide access to the beach and ocean for disabled individuals, veterans, children with special needs, and the elderly. This program provides access to the beach using a platform of decks and mats over the sand, beach wheelchairs and specialized staff/volunteers. Adaptive beach activities include: Access to Ocean/Aqua […]
Sabrina’s Adaptive Beach Day, New temporary location
73rd street and Ocea Terrace Miami BeachSCF launched its “Adaptive Beach Days” program to provide access to the beach and ocean for disabled individuals, veterans, children with special needs, and the elderly. This program provides access to the beach using a platform of decks and mats over the sand, beach wheelchairs and specialized staff/volunteers. Adaptive beach activities include: Access to Ocean/Aqua […]