Online Support Group for Parents/ Family Members of Adults with ASD, UM-NSU CARD

2022-04-27T10:42:29-04:00Tags: , , , |

Here’s an opportunity to share and get support from others who have an adult family member with ASD. We’re here for you to share your challenges and celebrate your successes. If you are not receiving regular notices about meetings, please email Dr. Adreon at [email protected] with your first & last name, as well as the first and last name of

Online Support Group for Parents/ Family Members of Adults with ASD, UM CARD

2022-02-02T12:22:06-05:00Tags: , |

Here’s an opportunity to share and get support from others who have an adult family member with ASD. UMCARD is here for you to share your challenges and celebrate your successes. If you are not receiving regular notices about meetings, please email Dr. Adreon at [email protected] with your first & last name, as well as the first and last

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