Language, Music, N’Our Peeps with GiGi’s Playhouse

2021-11-09T15:49:05-05:00Tags: , |

LMNOP (Language, Music, N’ Our Peeps)  in person recommended Ages 0-36 mo LMNOP is an interactive and engaging program designed to guide parents and young children through learning basic sign language and other forms of communication using music and language-based activities. Recommended for ages newborn to 36 months.   This program will take place in-person at

GiGi Fit Program with Gigi’s Playhouse

2021-11-09T15:41:34-05:00Tags: , |

November 17 @ 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm Our FREE GiGiFIT programs combine physical therapy with a strong fitness focus and an ultimate goal of success and improved movement. GiGiFIT was created in collaboration with skilled Physical Therapists who work specifically with individuals with Down syndrome. The GiGiFIT programs are designed to address common issues for individuals with Down syndrome including hypotonia, excessive

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