Chabad Center of Kendall/Pinecrest invites to make you own Shofar from a genuine ram's horn, Learn the entire process of how a Shofar is made from the cleaning to the final polishing .
Chabad Center of Kendall/Pinecrest invites to make you own Shofar from a genuine ram's horn, Learn the entire process of how a Shofar is made from the cleaning to the final polishing .
Monday, October 18th until Monday, June 13th Yachad New [email protected] Virtual Event Link: Click Here
AAHD PRESENTS: ALL OF US RESEARCH PROGRAM INFORMATIONAL Thursday, February 24, 2022 3:00 PM 5:00 PM Center for Independent Living of South Florida (map) Zoom Link: Presented by: the American Association on Health and Disability Learn how social factors play a role in your health and more!
Join us LIVE on Instagram! Each year this event is held, we will highlight aspects of differing cultures within our community. In 2021, a special focus will be placed on “Juneteenth” a celebration marking the end of legal slavery for African-Americans especially for those residing in Southern/Confederate states. Join us as we celebrate one another’s
Join us for our Autism Awareness Month Finale! A very special Facebook Live story time with Dr. Temple Grandin! This Wednesday the 28th @10a. Hope to see you there!
Fun and exciting activities to help learn day to day life hacks and easy kitchen tips to be able to cook safely. Wednesday evenings; 7:00 -8:00pm START LIVING LIFE TO THE FULLEST! This weekly series is led by experienced social worker Shifrah Marcus. It aims to develop qualities of self reliance, resilience and personal growth. There
FRIENDSHIP CIRCLE (A weekly group to enhance friendship, social and everyday life skills through stories, games, and other fun activities- Facilitated by Jenna Lazar, MSW) Tuesday’s at 11:30 a.m. (through August 18th) 2nd - 4th Grade Zoom Link: RDlwVzhCWlZRODJPUDZGYlZOckYzZz09 Meeting ID: 986 1905 1585 Password: 504916