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So far jaaprod has created 35 blog entries.

Transition Years (14-21)


TRANSITION YEARS (14-18) The transition years are pivotal for planning your life. During this time, you can design a plan for academic and non-academic courses, other learning experiences, employment and community living. The goals of transition planning are to help you understand your disability and to determine your future. One way transition

Adulthood (18+)


ADULTHOOD (18+) Every adult faces difficulties in the transition to living independently. The key to living life with the most independence is developing positive relationships, valuable work habits and making good personal choices for healthy living. Even when things get difficult, remember that it’s your constitutional right to be fully included, and

Early Identification


EARLY IDENTIFICATION From the day a child is born, he/she will begin to achieve various milestones. As your child develops and grows, it is critical to remember that each child is different from one another. There is a wide range of what is considered to be “typical” development. As a parent, you

Early Intervention

2022-07-19T13:26:43-04:00Tags: |

EARLY  INTERVENTION Early Childhood Intervention means finding specific ways to help a child become as functional as possible. The first step of early intervention is evaluation. Once a child is evaluated, he/she can receive the appropriate type of treatment that he/she needs. Sometimes, getting your child help at an early age can enable

Advocacy- School Age


ADVOCACY Laws and regulations provide guidance and clarification about what is and is not acceptable when providing supports to individuals with disabilities. A number of Federal laws address accessibility and protect the rights of persons with disabilities. These laws cover access to a wide range of facilities and services, including housing, transportation,

Parent Support Services

2020-02-12T15:14:17-05:00Tags: |

PARENT SUPPORT SERVICES As a parent, it is not easy to suddenly be dependent on the advice of others to raise your child. However, since there are so many treatment options, it can help to have the advice, experience and support of a team that you trust and who will be patient

Common Diagnoses


COMMON DIAGNOSES “Diagnosis /di·ag·no·sis/ (di″ag-no´sis) the determination of the nature of a case of a disease or the distinguishing of one disease from another.” – Dorland's Medical Dictionary for Health Consumers. © 2007 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier, Inc. Diagnoses describe a group of symptoms or behaviors. However,  since every individual

School Years (5-21)


SCHOOL YEARS The school-age years bring new and exciting challenges and rewards for children. The school-age child develops a sense of personal competence using feedback from important adults and peers in their lives as well as their own self-evaluation. During this time, they learn basic academic and social skills, forming the basis

Special Education – School Years

2020-05-26T13:26:04-04:00Tags: |

SPECIAL EDUCATION Special education is a broad term that refers to specially designed instruction that meets the unique needs of a child with a disability. Special education provides support to children who need assistance in a variety of developmental areas. Services can include instruction in the classroom, at home

Summer Programs – School Years


SUMMER PROGRAMS There are so many camp choices for children with disabilities! From highly specialized camps to general inclusion programs, there are options for every child. With thorough research, you should be able to find the right camp for your child. The American Camp Association makes it easy to find a great

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