Raising Children with Disabilities: The Triumphs, Tribulations, and the Truth

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Step into the shoes of two parents whose children have special needs. Listen to their inspiring stories, get to know their real life triumphs and tribulations, and hear what they wish other parents knew. Don’t want to miss a Boost? Text Momentum to 888111 and receive the Boost link 15 minutes before showtime (U.S. and

Mental Health Moments with UM-NSU CARD, Stress relief

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Weekly series centering on topics that tie into strategies and/or techniques that could help to alleviate some of the stressors that arise when being quarantined with limited options for family outings or changes of scenery. Audience: All UM-NSU CARD families and participating community. Weekly Online Series on Wednesdays: August 19, 26 September 2, 9, 16,

Friendship Circle Baking with Adriana!

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Come bake with us! Recipe below : https://www.196flavors.com/france-tarte-tatin/ Zoom Invite: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/2525183935?pwd=NXlia1M1RDNpSDJMSmkvbnUrOFlRQT09