Reaching All Learners in the Virtual World conducted by Matan

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~ NEW for congregational school educators ~ 3 part interactive series so your online teaching is inclusive of all students ~ Social-emotional learning, universal design for virtual school, technology tips & tricks RSVP Dates Tuesdays - 10:00-11:00 AM EDT, 9/22, 9/29, and 10/6 with Tali Cohen Carrus OR Wednesdays - 7:00-8:00 PM EDT on 9/23,


The Birds & the Bees: Sexuality & Relationships, JFS/UM-NSU CARD

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The topic of sex can be uncomfortable to discuss with your teen or adult. This workshop provides parents and caregivers with tools to openly discuss the various topics surrounding sexuality and autism. Parents and caregivers will learn how to teach safety, strategies to prevent and modify inappropriate sexual behavior, and teach boundaries across settings. Presenter: