Young Adult Program – Friendship Circle Miami

2020-10-12T10:32:14-04:00Tags: , |

At our Young Adults Circle, participants will have an opportunity to meet and spend time with others who have special needs and also with volunteers who are similar in age and have the same interests! We have organized activities for everyone to participate in that will help build confidence, social skills, and life skills…all while

6 Week Virtual Interactive Day Programming for Adults with Developmental Disabilities, JFS Broward

2020-09-08T15:50:13-04:00Tags: , , |

Virtual Interactive Day Programming for Adults with Developmental Disabilities To register, contact: Samantha Sehter, M.Ed., Program Manager [email protected] or 954-909-0815 ZOOM into Life Skills (Mondays) The opportunity to develop key life skills while promoting greater independence. Students will learn a new set of targeted skills each week. ZOOM into Social Skills (Wednesdays) A safe space

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