2023-03-27T12:35:15-04:00Tags: , , , , , , |

INTRODUCCIÓN AL PROGRAMA DE REHABILITACIÓN VOCACIONAL April 4 @ 10:00 am - 12:00 pm Aprenda cómo este programa federal / estatal ayuda a las personas con discapacidades a prepararse para el empleo durante y después de la escuela secundaria. Sus servicios abarcan: Proceso de Solicitud Orientación Profesional Capacitación y Educación después de la Escuela Secundaria Desarrollar un

Financial Security for New Workers with Disabilities: Understanding ABLE Today and Future Opportunities for Advancement with RespectAbility

2022-06-23T11:35:08-04:00Tags: , , , |

Date: Wednesday, July 20 Time: 2 p.m. ET / 1 p.m. CT / 12 p.m. MT / 11 a.m. PT Duration: 60 minutes Register Online   Despite a booming job market, fears over inflation and rising costs are putting conversations about financial security front and center for millions of Americans. These conversations are especially important

Job Club on ZOOM with UM-NSU CARD

2022-04-12T14:42:06-04:00Tags: , |

A support group to help people who are looking for work or are employed.  We will support each other as we learn the skills needed to find and keep a job! This includes social skills, job searching, networking, resume writing, interviewing skills, and more! February 17th Searching and Applying for Jobs March 17th Skills for Success

From Compliance to Program Accessibility: Best Practices for American Job Centers

2022-03-22T14:50:41-04:00Tags: , , |

In the 8 years since the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) was passed into law, the American economy has profoundly changed. Major structural changes among industries, companies, and contractors have accelerated thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic and new economic policies from the Biden Administration. Throughout these tumultuous years, American Job Centers (AJCs) / America’s

Being Heumann: Promoting Everyone’s Abilities, George Washington University Leadership Lunch Series

2021-03-30T17:12:45-04:00Tags: , , , |

Join us for The Mayberg Center's Leadership Lunches We can't think of a more important time to talk about strong, values-based leadership. We can't think of better people to guide this conversation. Please RSVP for the Lunch(es) that you are interested in! "Being Heumann: Promoting Everyone's Abilities" April 7th, 12:00 - 1:00 PM (EST) Judith

Building A Neurodiverse Workforce Conference with the Els Center for Autism

2021-03-09T12:53:48-05:00Tags: , |

Building A Neurodiverse Workforce Conference March 12 & 13, 2021 Hosted by Els for Autism Els for Autism Foundation invites you to the ‘Building a Neurodiverse Workforce’ conference—a one-and-a-half day virtual event that will provide tools and best practices for businesses or individuals interested in hiring employees with autism spectrum disorder, initiating a neurodiverse workforce program,

Job Club with UM CARD on Zoom

2021-03-03T16:38:03-05:00Tags: , |

Job Club Goes Zoom! Thursdays, once a month from 5:30pm to 6:30pm January 14th, February 4th, March 4th, April 8th, May 6th A support group to help people who are looking for work or are employed. We will learn about job search and networking strategies, work on resumes, practice interviewing skills, set career goals and

Learn the difference between supported and competitive employment for adults with DD and ID

2020-11-09T13:21:57-05:00Tags: |

Learn the difference between supported and competitive employment for adults with developmental and intellectual disabilities. Learn about the Best Buddies Jobs program and how to navigate the Vocational Rehabilitation process related to employment services. Presented by: Representative from Best Buddies Jobs Program  Free and open to the Community | Presented via Zoom   TIME (Thursday) 7:00

National Disability Employment Awareness Month Resources

2020-10-12T14:30:43-04:00Tags: , , , |

Held every October, NDEAM is a fitting time to educate about disability employment issues and celebrate the many and varied contributions of America’s workers with disabilities. The 2020 NDEAM theme is Increasing Access and Opportunity. NDEAM is led by the U.S. Department of Labor’s Office of Disability Employment Policy (ODEP), but its true spirit lies in

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