Online Support Group for Parents/ Family Members of Adults with ASD UMCARD

2022-08-25T10:25:49-04:00Tags: , |

  Here’s an opportunity to share and get support from others who have an adult family member with ASD. We’re here for you to share your challenges and celebrate your successes. If you are not receiving regular notices about meetings, please email Dr. Adreon at [email protected] with your first & last name, as well as the first and last name

Mutli Cultural Autism and Juneteenth, UM CARD

2021-06-10T11:40:20-04:00Tags: , , , |

Join us LIVE on Instagram! Each year this event is held, we will highlight aspects of differing cultures within our community. In 2021, a special focus will be placed on “Juneteenth” a celebration marking the end of legal slavery for African-Americans especially for those residing in Southern/Confederate states. Join us as we celebrate one another’s

Special Needs Parent Caregiver Support Group Evening, Ongoing

2020-10-15T16:11:25-04:00Tags: , , , , , |

Please register beforehand by reaching out to: Tzippi Rosen, LCSW Special Needs Community Liaison/Outreach Coordinator Ruth & Norman Rales Jewish Family Services 561-852-3112 | [email protected] Or Linda Sachs, L.C.S.W. Community Outreach Coordinator and Parent Support Specialist 5100 N. Nob Hill Rd. , Sunrise, FL 33351 Phone: 954.315.7033 | Cell: 954.394.1182 | Fax: 954.449.2422 [email protected] | Join Zoom Meeting

Dyslexia Awareness Month – Toolkit for Parents, Educators and Students

2020-10-07T12:51:23-04:00Tags: , , , , , |

You can help those with dyslexia get the support they need to reach their full potential. Simple actions can raise awareness and lead to policy changes, such as helping more people understand what dyslexia is and using the word dyslexia rather than lumping it together with broad learning disabilities. The items in this toolkit will

Effective Strategies for Managing Child Anxiety and Distress about COVID-19

2020-06-18T12:46:45-04:00Tags: , |

Join us on Facebook Live with Dr. Jill Ehrenreich-May, Professor and Director of the Child and Adolescent Mood and Anxiety Treatment Program at the University of Miami. Wednesday, June 24, 2020 at 8:00pm on She will discuss strategies taken from evidence-based cognitive-behavioral treatments that are known to significantly reduce anxiety and associated, problematic avoidance and

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