Just for Dads with ASD kids, UM-NSU CARD

2020-05-06T14:48:02-04:00Tags: , |

Gathering of fathers of children with autism and related disabilities to support one another, share resources, and connect. Must be a registered UM-NSU CARD client. May 13, 2020 at 6:30-8:00pm If you have any questions contact Dr. Michael Alessandri at malessandri@miami.edu Event registration required at https://justfordads.eventbrite.com Once registered, you will receive Zoom link to join group.

Music with Amy FCMB

2020-05-06T13:58:35-04:00Tags: , |

Friendship Circle of Miami Beach and North Dade continues their weekly programing. Please contact Marcy at:201-819-9805 Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/2525183935?pwd=NXlia1M1RDNpSDJMSmkvbnUrOFlRQT09 Meeting ID: 252 518 3935 Password: 80808

Connections Club – Adults

2020-05-06T13:34:51-04:00Tags: , |

It can be difficult to find time to connect with friends due to schedules, location, transportation and personal obligations. For individuals with autism or other developmental disabilities, social interaction and connecting with peers can be a challenge on a daily basis. Connections Club is designed to provide opportunities for individuals to interact with peers in

Connections Club – Teens

2020-05-06T13:34:39-04:00Tags: , , |

It can be difficult to find time to connect with friends due to schedules, location, transportation and personal obligations. For individuals with autism or other developmental disabilities, social interaction and connecting with peers can be a challenge on a daily basis. Connections Club is designed to provide opportunities for individuals to interact with peers in

Yoga Interactive Virtual Class (Fee-Based)

2020-05-06T13:17:34-04:00Tags: , |

Yoga for individuals with special needs enhances stamina, flexibility, energy, and strength in a fun, motivating social environment. Classes include warmups, breathing exercises, cardio routines, developmentally appropriate yoga poses and relaxation techniques, while offering a full body experience of physical fitness and traditions of yoga. The class is taught by Yael, a certified Yoga instructor

How To Be Social Media Savvy

2020-05-06T14:05:34-04:00Tags: , |

This webinar is open to adults, young adults and high school students ages 14 and up, who are transitioning into the workforce or higher education and seeking greater independence. Do you know how to identify inappropriate messages on social media? Do you know how to use social media smartly and positively? What is cyber bullying

Families Coping through Conversation

2020-05-06T11:55:24-04:00Tags: , |

Families Coping through Conversation will address daily challenges and ways to manage feelings and behaviors. Topics specific to the sudden shift in daily life will be addressed and specific coping methods and techniques for families living with autism will be identified. The Families Coping through Conversation will be held Tuesdays and Thursdays in the evenings

Sibs Stick Together

2020-05-06T11:47:31-04:00Tags: |

The Sibs Stick Together Room will reflect a new program at the Foundation that intended to begin in April. This program addresses the needs of siblings of children with special needs and learning differences. The siblings will have an opportunity to support each other, express their thoughts and feelings, and discuss issues specific to their

Virtual Storytime with Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC)

2020-05-06T11:42:35-04:00Tags: , , |

Virtual Storytime with Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) sessions will take place from 10-10:30 a.m, on Monday, Wednesday and Friday with Claire Seefried, speech-language pathology clinical fellow at the Els for Autism Foundation. The story will highlight high frequency (core vocabulary) words with the use of communication supports. A PowerPoint including the core vocabulary words

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